Human beings are unique yet complicated creatures. The world is home to many different cultures with varying belief systems, social practices, and ways of life. However, most people also share a specific set of desires based around self-preservation and comfort, meaning you have more in common with people from an entirely different society than you might realize.
Today, we’ll be looking at some of those super-charged desires in detail. Read on for more information.
Life Preservation / Not Dying
Every human being wants to stay alive, provided they do not suffer from mental health issues. As a result, people have an instinct to keep themselves from harm, continue their life, and achieve their dreams. This is known as the “will to live”, a concept conceived by German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. Without this impulse, Nature could not exist.
Satisfying Hunger and Thirst
Human beings have receptors throughout our bodies that tell us when we are hungry or thirsty. When our body requires sustenance, the brain reads these signals and tells us that we need to eat or drink. Sometimes our bodies get these signals mixed up, and we don’t know whether we are hungry or thirsty. Regardless, human beings still want to avoid those feelings and look for fuel to keep their bodies working properly.
Being Comfortable in Our Surroundings
Everybody wants a home and comfortable surroundings. When we have proper shelter, we are protected from the elements, other people, and can keep warm. Humans, like other animals, will seek out appropriate shelter that keeps them out of harm’s way.
Sexual Companionship
One of the most primal desires is to pass on your genes and ensure the future of your species. Most humans desire to meet a sexual partner, have children, and continue their family name. While this is not indicative of every human in the world, it is a desire shared by many people in different cultures.
Physical Comfort—Not Being in Pain
The term “YOLO” may have become popular over the last few years; however, most people do not want to put themselves in harm’s way and will often avoid potentially dangerous situations. While adventure and exhilaration are exciting, most humans would prefer to stay safe and prevent any painful accidents if possible.
Feeling Superior to Others
Humans are a social species, and many of us want to feel superior and confident compared to our peers. Sometimes, we are driven by ego; other times, we want to seem like a natural leader and become the alpha in any situation. In nature, the alpha male usually gets the lion’s share of food, the best shelter, and any mate they choose; this desire is also in-built in humans.
Protecting Your Loved Ones
Many people live by the saying “family first.” Nobody wants their loved ones to get hurt. In fact, parents have an intrinsic desire to protect their children from harm, even if it means hurting or sacrificing their own life in the process. If you think about it, there isn’t a lot you would not do to make sure your loved ones remain safe and healthy.
Social Approval/Being Accepted in a Social Group
Social status is very important to human beings. We want to make friends, become popular, and enjoy a healthy social life. This desire sometimes leads us to do strange things; peer pressure is a real thing. We still seek validation from other social groups and the wider community.
These are just a few innate desires shared by humans, proving we have more in common with other people than we think.